Belle de Jour Author In Libel Battle
An interesting story circulating in many online media news websites concerns Belle de Jour Author, Dr Brooke Magnanti. if you don't know this lady's blog and subsequent bestselling books inspired the ITV1 series, Secret Diary Of A Call Girl. Her ex boyfriend has made allegations that she was never a high class escort at all. You can see the obvious implications of these allegations, as they can impact her credibility. It is reported that on that basis she is seeking to sue her ex boyfriend for libel. Now you can only imagine that such controversy could be linked all the way back to 2013. It was widely reported back then, that the ex boyfriend in question (Owen Morris) commenced action legal against her on the grounds her book destroyed his then career as an officer in the RAF. Also he said that it done damage to his reputation. So is this just a 'tit for tat' dispute or does these allegations hold any truth. The whole saga is actually ground breaking from a legal stand point. As Dr Brooke Maganati would be the first person to ever issue libel legal proceedings on the basis to prove she was actually an escort. The whole thing is fascinating and surely it will be a case that will be followed in the media to some extent.
Dr Brooke Magnanti has a wide following of her blog, which she first started to write all the way back in 2003. For many people who did not know much about the life of a high class escort, it gave them a unique insight into that world. At that time she was anonymous, but when her identity came into the public eye, it gave her a certain kind of notoriety. Her inspiration to start the blog has been well documented. It could be said that she has inspired other escorts to also document their experiences, online. The Secret Diary Of A Call Girl programme aired on ITV fro 2007 till 2011. It was highly acclaimed at the time and many people watched the show. The lead character in the series was called Belle and played by well known actress Billie Piper.
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