Choosing The Best Escort Advertising

Many escorts and agencies promote their services in the internet. There are various websites that showcase escorts and offer free and paid advertising. They are usually websites that are long established with a big following and placed well up major search engines. The top directories can charge anything from up to £500 per month for banner advertisements. There are many different forms of advertising on directories. From gallery advertising, various banner ads as well as individual listings. There are many directories that cover specific areas of the market. Some focus on geographical features while others on escort / service types.

Away from paid advertising there is free advertising. Obviously free adverts are going to be less prominent than paid ones. To get more targeted web hits paid advertisement always beats free. Away from the internet there are traditional advertising mediums like newspapers and magazines. They are often more expensive. In theory they have a wider catchment but in terms of being targeted, they are not as effective of websites. When it comes to choosing the best advertising there are many factors to consider.

Tips On Choosing Where To Advertise

1) Have a look where other people advertise. The more you see escorts and agencies advertise in a particular place, the higher the indication that it is a good medium.

2) take a look where the directories are on the internet for keywords that directly relate to your service.

3) If a directory has too many people advertising on it, try and look for less competitive ones.

4) If you are doing a rotational escort banner ad, make sure the amount of ad impressions are sufficient for you.

5) Try different types of adverts. Maybe a picture listing advert may work out better than a banner based one.