Curvaceous Escort In Hounslow - Escort Experience
I have never really been in a particular profession for ore than 5 years at time. At 48 I am guy who has held several jobs and made many career changes. I spent my early twenties in retail. Well i did nit have that nay qualifications, I did not attend university. however i was determined to try and make something of life. After my retail job I worked in a factory in a machinery department. It was a stroke of luck how I got the job as the person who was recruiting played for the same football team as me. I was decent at football and probably could have moved on from being semi professional. However with I always had bad look with women. My first marriage ended badly. I probably got married too young. I came home early from work one day to surprise my ex wife, only to find her shagging my friend on the living room carpet.
That really knocked my confidence. Not just with myself but women in general. I then trained to become a coach driver. Thee job was K but it was long hours. My second marriage started off really well. I thought I had found woman I could trust and w got on really well. But the long hours as a coach driver left little time for quality time to spend together. i was saving as much money for a house for us. We did have times where things were really good. However that was only the occasions where i had time off work. It was a vicious cycle; the mor busy I was the more unhappy we were. One day I came home and she told me we needed some space to reevaluate the marriage. She said she was going to stay at her sisters for a bit. I was optimistic things could work out but in the end it was too late. My second marriage was over.
So I got a bit depressed and put on loads of weight. I wasn't sleeping and was staying up late and eating. I tried to get fit by going swimming, but because of how much weight I put on I got really body conscious. My best mate tried to get me out the house doing things. However every time I went out for a night out, I felt uncomfortable. I had no confidence when it came to women. On the rare occasion I got into a conversation with a woman, I would get all nervous and then mix all my words up. You could tell they felt so uncomfortable around me. I just used to make excuses and leave to go home early. I am not ashamed to say but I had a few nights where I would just cry myself to sleep.
One day I woke up with a sense of optimism that I had not felt for a long time. It was time to change my life around and start enjoying it. there was this new Italia restaurant that had opened up. I walk past very evening on y way home from work and see people having a nice time in there. I thought "why can't that be me?". So I had to change a habit of a lifetime. I needed a date and dreaded the fact of online dating. So I made a brave leap to start looking into escort services. I know some escort agencies provide dinner date companionship. I found a really good one online and one rally curvaceous escort stood out. She was a stunning blonde wit a a nice smile. So I plucked up the courage to call and make the booking. I had never booked the company of an escort in Hounslow before. The date went so smoothly. I found I could talk to her without feeling nervous or worthless. She made me laugh and feel special.
If you require an escort date, contact us on 07775300878. Outcalls start from £120. Tweet