Dating A Warren Street Escort - Escort Experience
I have been a retail manager for a trendy Central London clothing store for about 8 years. I have always been fond of fashion and I many magazines on the subject. Even though I am a guy I always take an interest in the fashion world for women. As a hobby I do make vintage style dresses with a contemporary edge to them. Being a fashion student at university many years ago, I had aspirations of being a designer. However I am a people person and love talking about what celebrity wore what, at red carpet events. Even though i get on really well with women, I have not had that many girlfriends. My ex girlfriend cheated on me multiple times; so I was done with any form of relationships. As most of my female friends knew she was cheating at the time and did not tell me, it has caused a rift. Unfortunately some friendships can not be salvaged. However I still went out, had fu and probably drank a bit to much on occasions. However I missed basic female social company. I gossip more than a woman and all my old friends were now, former friends. I focused more on my hobby of making vintage clothing with a modern twist. I was actually approached via e-mail through my website from an escort who wanted me to design a few dresses for her. She was getting new pictures taken and wanted them to have a vintage theme, to some of them. She was an escort who resided in the Warren Street region. She was a very tall and attractive English brunette with a real eye for style.
She was also trying to get into modelling as well, so she wanted diversity in her portfolio. We talked almost everyday whilst I was designing and struck up a great rapport. She always questioned why a guy like me didn't get out there in the dating market. I explained i wasn't looking for love or anything. Then a eureka moment hit me all a sudden. it was like the missing piece in the jigsaw had been found. Why don't i just book some companionship only dates with this escort. At first she thought I was joking when I mentioned it, then she came to the realization I was serious. The process of designing these dresses for me, enabled me to see her personality. She was a great laugh and we shared similar interests. t would b great to just go on a few innocent dates with her because I enjoyed our conversations. So I had it all planned out. All the places I had been putting of going to since the break up with my ex girlfriend, were now feasible. For my first date idea I decided for us to spend a day shopping in Oxford Street. It as going to be a lavish day pout as I was going to treat her to lunch at a very posh restaurant. Then after shopping we could hit all the bars and have a few drinks. As she lived around the Warren Street region, t was a short trip for her to meet me.
We had a great time so I decided to make this a once a week arrangement. For the next date is was to be filled with art and culture. It took her to a life drawing class and after that we want to a gallery. I think most artists are very fashionable and they express their creativity through painting. Fashion designers are the same, but they express themselves through clothing. It was a really fun day out. She was actually a really good artist and her painting was better than i expected. Only based on the fact that she said it she terrible at art. She really appreciated the opportunity to go life drawing and said I had great date ideas. Maybe I could become some sort of escort dating guru?
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