Does Size Matter?
We live in an age where everything is all about size. Usually the bigger the better. The alpha male is seen as having the best aspects of life in abundance. When it comes to a salary, you have to be earning thousands of pounds. You have to have the biggest house, the biggest car and usually a girlfriend with the biggest breasts. For women big boobs and also big bottoms are seen as the ideal body attributes. For men much attention is given to penis size. Does penis size matter to a man? Well the answer is yes. Why? We live in a world where bigger is classed as better. The bigger the penis, equates to the virility of a man. Porn is so accessible to millions around the world via the internet. When you see male porn stars, they all have big penises. So men will naturally make the assumption that you have to have a big penis. Some men have big penises. some do not. With the beauty industry fuelling insecurity in women - is the porn industry fuelling insecurity with men?
The average penis size is around 5 to 6 inches. Anything greater than that then you are considered as well endowed. Now you have heard the saying, it is not the size that matters, but what you do with it. Well for many men and women it is true. There are many women who have sex with men with big penises and find the sex painful or boring. There are guys with average size penises who are the best lovers. There is so much more to sex than just penis size. Foreplay plays a massive role; especially for women wishing to reach orgasm. There are some women who prefer big penises. So for some women size does matter. There are men who think women with bigger breasts are more desirable. It is all down to personal choice. Some people like blonde escorts, some prefer brunettes. Some like petite escorts, some like tall, curvaceous women. Some like super busty escorts, others prefer less busty.
Having A Big Personality
Focusing on one organ or aspect of the body can be beneficial. However it can also make people lose confidence. They become obsessed on that one area. Soon that one area defines who they are. The world today to some seems more focused on outer appearance than inner qualities. What about qualities like personality or morals? Isn't a big personality much better to have than a big penis for men, or big breasts for women? Sometimes people forget the most important aspect to focus on is the brain. Intellect, knowledge and innovation. These are areas that are easier to gain bigger prominence in. With a whole ' make your penis bigger' industry directed at men; will creams and devices - what about an industry that focuses on inner qualities?