Drunk Escort Clients
There are occasions where escort clients can behave badly and to the escort it leaves them in a very difficult situation. Drunk escort clients are a real turn off escorts. First and foremost nobody likes being in the company of somebody who is drunk and stinks heavily of alcohol. Heavily drunk people can always behave unpredictably and that poses a lot of discomfort for the escort. Some people when they are drunk can become aggressive. For an escort they have to safeguard their personal well being and have every right to not undertake the booking. If you are getting ready for an escort date a quick drink to calm the nerves is acceptable. however turning up blind drunk will do you no favours and you will probably have to pay a fee for time wasting. For many escorts encountering a drunk client can be terrifying. If the gentlemen is quite large and the escort quite small, the fear and intimidation can be quite immense. Often drunk people are unaware of how aggressive they are in reality. Also their ability for reasoning is diminished. so trivial matters can spiral into an argument from the client side as they have lost all sense of reasoning. Usually from the offset this could be arguing over the price to unusual demands.
If you encounter a drunk client, the golden rule is to look for a quick escape. You don't have to put up with that sort of behavior. Just make a quick excuse and then an even quicker exit. There are some escorts who think that they can talk to diffuse the situation. They could make the situation worse that way. Trying to reason with a drunk client is out of the question. They are in the wrong for being in such a drunken state. You certainly don't have to take on the responsibility of trying to make the situation right. You can only make it right by getting the hell out of there. However that is easier said than done. Maybe you don't have an excuse or reason to leave. Emotions and fear will get the better of many; and it is nothing to be ashamed of. The thing is to be prepared for encountering a drunk escort. So that means safeguarding yourself with knowledge. Learn self defence, be self aware and know the sort of things to say. This has to be done in a calm and unsuspecting manner. Hiding your fear can be extremely hard, but it can go a long way to making you exit the situation safely. If they see or sense fear, they may look to exploit it. Under no circumstances give your reason for leaving the booking is because they are drunk. That could make them angry and lead to unwanted confrontation.
They other problem is when escort clients become progressively drunk over the course of an escort date. You may have to drink with them out of courtesy, but certainly don't gulp it down. Pretend to take sips or just be the world's slowest drinker. Some people appear fine at the start but maybe on a dinner date and the wine or champagne is flowing. After many glassed people can become drunk and rude. They can make crude or unwanted approaches and escorts deserved to be treated with respect at all times. Many escort services make it very clear that if a client does appear drunk, then the booking is automatically cancelled and they could become blacklisted. It is not uncommon for clients to have had a drink or too before the date. Drinking is a social aspect and they may drink on the escort date itself. However it comes down to personal responsibility and knowing your limit. Many people drink and it can bring out a nasty or even a violent side.
How To Get Of The Situation With The Drunk?
You need to be the master of excuses but project that it is not an excuse at all. Here are a few tips:
- Technology as your friend. Yes it is, their are many apps that can generate a "fake phone call". So when you receive it, 'cue emergency'. Be as outrageous but believable with the emergency. Remember, you are looking out for your safety, so if you have to lie and lie big - don't feel guilty.
- Pretend to be sick. Now here is the process. Look a bit faint, but not too much and ask to be excused. Make your way to the bathroom and stay there for about 10 minutes. 15 could be pushing it. When you emerge, look ill and start making apologies. Now here is the key. You can not day you felt ill earlier as they will question why you bothered to have the booking with them. Food poisoning is the key. It can come on suddenly and make you feel really ill.
- Don't engage in a long winded conversation. You have your excuse, make a quick but apologetic exit. You have to give the impression that you will really make it up to them; promise a discount on the next booking, or more time in the future. Make your excuse then leave.
- Refund their money, say sorry and leave. Simple as that.
Some violent attacks against escorts are often carried out by, drunk, aggressive individuals. It is important for escorts who suspect that their client is drunk to terminate the date. They can behave unpredictably making the situation to hard to adjudge. So it is better to not start the date. Agencies do not tolerate drunk clients. More should be done to empower escorts to report all incidents of violence against them. Some don't want to as they see a certain stigma attached to escorting. Just remember that nobody has the right to be violent against you and your report will be treated seriously.
Nobody says that you can not drink, but if you do, make sure you drink responsibly.