Erotic Foods
Who needs viagra, when you have so many natural remedies available? Food can bring people together in very intriguing ways. Food is celebration of the palate. So when adults incorporate it for very erotic means it can be a very fun experience. Many foods act as aphrodisiacs. It can heighten the sensual senses and make you very horny indeed. Certain seafood like oysters and caviar have a very lavish feel to them. But they also act as aphrodisiacs and can make a meal turn into a very erotic experience. Fruits play their part as well. Bananas, figs and avocado pears are known to heighten the sensual senses. Many couples love to incorporate food into love making and foreplay Eating fruit off each other can really tun their partner on. So many people search online for a certain 'magic pill' to boost their love lives. However you can travel to your local shop or market and find foods that ensure you can maintain a much healthy libido. Who would think peanut butter could work as one. However if you have a nut allergy, you would have to cross that option off your list.
Peruvian Maca Root
It is often regarded as the viagra of Peru, it has a rich history and dated back to the time of the Inca's. It has qualities that are similar to a radish and many people now incorporate it as part of their daily diets. The real magic of this root, is that it contains two amazing compounds (macaenes and macamides). It promotes a vital surge in your libido and energy. If you like fruit then one of your 5 a day could include a watermelon. They promote an amino acid called 'citrulline'. which relaxes the blood vessels. So for men it promotes blood pumping stronger to the necessary area!
The most sensual escorts love to indulge in erotic foods. Some even provide erotic dinner dates where gentlemen book an escort for a romantic dinner but the cuisine is all based on erotic foods., Add champagne the mix and their is more than love in the air. There is real passion. So again food plays its part in escort service via romantic candle light dinner dates. If the menu has erotic foods on it and you have a very kinky escort date, who knows what naughtiness you could get up to after the meal. Are you planning a sexy supper for your wife or girlfriend. Valentines day could be the occasion where instead of going out to eat, you could cook your partner a very erotic meal.
Top 5 Erotic Foods
You never know what you have in your fridge or cupboard, could be an aphrodisiac. So here are the top ones that could make a major improvement in your life. Your diet is vital and back up with regular exercise,; you can maintain a very healthy lifestyle. The top 5 is as follows:
- Oysters - Considered an aphrodisiac, this very lavish seafood option is rich in zinc. Many gentlemen take them as it is said to help with the production of sperm. They are certainly hands on food and go best with champagne.
- Chocolate - It brings out the happy hormone and many women often say they prefer chocolate to sex. It can be used in a very creative way in the bedroom. Many sex adult shops sell chocolate body paint.
- Strawberries - They can be used in many ways and even combined in foreplay with you spouse / partner. Add in whipped cream and a blindfold and you can have some very erotic fun.
- Asparagus - Said to boost the intensity and help in reaching climax for both men and women.
- Bananas - Just think of this phallic shaped fruit and the erotic play of a very naughty woman.
So why not make a change to your dinner and meal plans. Many escorts enjoy the sensual delicacies of many foods and they love to use that energy to tease their partners or husbands, in their private life.