Erotic Story Writing - Escort News
If you are a fan or erotic writing and sex stories, then there are many sites on the internet that provide them. Many are maintained by the general public who submit their stories and the site admin pick the best ones to publish online. First Call Escorts is only one of a very few London agencies to write their very own. These fictional and captivating stories are amongst the best erotic stories. The real uniqueness is that they are fictional stories all based on escorts. So if you are a lover of the two it is the best of both worlds. There are so many niches to write about including busty, blonde, duo, trio, fantasy, fetish, dominatrix, BDSM, porn star escorts and much more. That way you are bound to find a story that tantalizes your deepest sensual desires. To read them they can be accessed on any page by clicking the "erotic escort stories" link, in the website footer. The section is constantly being updated.
It is now your turn to get writing. If you are an enthusiast or maybe you write on a regular basis and would like to see your story published online, then you have a wonderful opportunity. You can e-mail your stories to us and every week the best user submitted stories will be published on the website. also if you want your name to be published you could have that option. For more details please navigate to the section in the footer of this page. Read the terms and conditions. All stories have to be escort related, original and a minimum of 500 words. So get writing.
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