Escort Banner Farms
There is a monstrosity on the web that existed many years ago and despite everybody's efforts, a tiny few remain. No, it is not Milli Vanilli fan sites, they are escort banner farms and they are horrid. Escort banner farms are websites that are usually on cheap adult hosting that simply display banners and links to escort and adult services. There is little written content on these sites and usually do not have sophisticated structures. The common trend is usually a ranking system where the more hits a banner receives the higher position within the banner farm the banner gets. The most common banner farms are a mixture of UK, European and international escort services. There isn't really much incentive to click on a banner. Usually people go with the most visually appealing banners to click on. Most of the links are broken and there does not seem to be much checking for dead web links. So web users can be left frustrated visiting websites that have closed down. Here are reasons why these websites are absolute rubbish; polluting the online escort market:
- Poor Design - If you can call it web design at all. They are usually no CSS, full of frames and badly drawn tables. There is no structure to it, so when you try to navigate the website, you get very confused in just a few seconds.
- Lack of Administration - There are so many websites t6hat are showcased that simply do not exist anymore. If you are unlucky enough to click on a listing, your web browser will soon tell you that it can not connect.
- No Structure - There are no categories. So it is not an intelligent website with a search functionality. You can not search for escorts in your area for example.
- Bad for SEO - Want to rank high on major search engines?, Then avoid listing on multiple banner farms, like the plague. They will give your escort agency a bad link profile; especially on Google. When it comes to escort SEO, it is not common practice to promote sites on these websites. Escort banner farms are on the decline and more and more service providers are looking for more relational and effective mediums on the web to promote themselves.
Many agencies have turned away from these type of website and concentrated on highly positioned directories on the internet. The escort directories that appear in the highest positions for the most prominent and relevant keywords for their service, are the ones that attract a lot of advertising enquiries. From very small banners, to huge sized ones, to ones that appear on multiple pages. Many directories even incorporate new sections and features, just for the biggest agencies or simply the ones who want to pay the most. Competition within the escort market is usually very fierce online, especially in London. So escorts and agencies who are just starting out and want to get their agency name and brand out there usually list themselves on them. If you are one - avoid placing your website on a banner farm. Don't say you have not been warned! Tweet