Escort Cash Payments
Cash payments for escorts is a very common place method of payment for escort services. In recent years some agencies do have credit card facilities but the age old, cash in a brown envelope is still the most common form of payment. It is the most easiest way to safeguard payment. Cheques can bounce and cards an get declined. Almost all these cash payments are paid up-front. This is to ensure no problems or awkward moments. it can be very easy for a client to turn round at the end of a booking and simply refuse to pay. This can lead to an argument or confrontation. Most escort services operate with cash payments and it is certainly hoped that they mange the cash responsibly and in a legal manner.
The problems with escort cash payments is in the wider sense looking at the market there is talking point of how much tax is paid. How much are escorts declaring. Are they declaring any tax at all. Agencies certainly have to be professional run and adhere to all the laws of the land. Many escorts are self employed so it is up to them to act lawfully, to notify that they are working self employed and to submit a tax return and pay national insurance contributions. There are cases where escorts who have failed to pay tax end up with a very large tax bill. One recent example which was reported in the media was a case involving a lady by the name, Donna Asutaits. She was a student who turned to high class escorting as a means and ways to financially support her masters degree. She was ordered to pay in excess of over £174,000 or face imprisonment for two and a half years. For an in-depth insight into that story read an online article here. As you can see the whole problem with cash and t really boils down to how law biding and honest an escort is. They should keep a detailed record of all earnings and file all tax returns on time. Some escorts for some reason think they are exempt from tax, others just want to chat the tax man and subsequently the country. It is quite simple; PAY YOUR TAX!
At the start of an escort booking it is common for clients to pay the escort, up-front in cash. This can be done with the money in the form of an envelope or just simply the cash itself. Most escorts are not walking cash machines so they advise the client to have the exact amount. For extended bookings some client often go to their nearest cash machine to withdraw more money. That is quite commonplace. Again, the vast majority of agencies and escorts only accept cash as a form of payment. That is usually clear stated in their booking terms and conditions on their website.
Some agencies advertise on their website that they can accept credit card payments. It is not common place and mainly top London agencies provide such an option. There are adult web companies that are said to facilitate such a process but it is clear how they do so. Most agencies don't deal in credit card payments. This is because it always leaves them open for fraudulent transactions etc. Instead they stick to cash payments which they find is a hassle free and efficient method of payment. Escorts in Chelsea who work for top agencies or who are top independents on the whole won't accept credit card payments.
Cash payments in the escort market is certainly never going to go away. But how it is handled it can only be hoped in a lawful, professional manner.