Escort Forums

Please note: First Call Escorts have no affiliation with any of the escort forum websites listed on this page or anywhere else on this website.

An escort forum is an online meeting place for adults who either provide escort services, are interested about escort services and adult related companies looking to get into the escort market. The forum is a place to discuss, browse, share information and have debates about everything escort related. the forum is split into different discussion boards and the forum has an overall moderator that controls everything that goes on there and has the power to remove comments, posts and members. Independent escorts frequently use escort forums to introduce themselves to the market and promote their services. Escort agencies are more commonly using escort forums to promote new services or new arrivals of companions to their agency.

Escort forums discussion groups are diverse and cover a whole series of topic, to first time clients, bogus clients, bogus escort services, quizzes, debates, geographical escort service discussion and light hearted adult entertainment issues. You will find it is a place where online escorts and clients can interact with each other. the best forums get interesting debates about recent changes to the escort market in place. It then becomes more than a simple message board, but a gathering for the escort community.

The common escort forums face is spam. this is where escorts and agencies only use it to plaster it with advertising for their own service and are not interested into entering discussion with the online community. So that is where the job of the moderator comes in. Moderation is key to ensure there is no illegal activity being conducted on the website. However, this is a huge talking point and one that is vital to have more awareness about it. As unsavory people can ulitlise these message boards to carry out illegal activity. Overall moderation and maybe tougher laws need to be in place to safeguard everybody.

The most popular escort forums in 2023 are as follows:

Punternet - One of the most followed forum in the web. Many people post reviews about their experience with escorts.

Saafe - Over 90,000 posts spanning over 300 topics, this is one of the most trusted escort forums online.

Adult Seek - A escort forum with various message boards. A place where discussions about the escorting market take place where escorts, clients and escort providers can post.

Escort Rankings - With over 25 topics and over 350 posts, this is a fast growing forum.

Featured Escort Forum Of The Month - Saafe

It is 2023 and Saafe still remains one of the most popular escort forums online. One of the most reputable forums on the internet with a dedicated following of escorts, agencies and clientele. It acts as a very useful online resource providing vital information for new and existing escort services. The forum is professionally moderated and run by professional escorts who dedicated their time to provide information and a forum for people to connect. You can find general advice about the market as well as a vital thread for ladies who want to post information on time wasting clients as well as potential nuisances. You can post adverts but the forum itself is a rich portal of information and definitely should be amongst your first ports of call if you want extra information about the market.

The brilliant thing about these websites is it gives escorts and agencies a voice as well as providing up to date info on certain events and talking points in the market. From looking what is happening in the media, to changes in the law.

Feel free to search the above escort forums to discover more about them.