Escort News For Agencies
The majority of escort agencies have their own websites. There they showcase their services and information about the agency. However some do not take advantage of their website to show the latest news that is happening with their agency. Why is this such an essential topic? Well if you don't display the latest of what is going on, apart from yourself, who else is going to know. By showing the latest news it shows that a lot is going on with your agency. If you have a new service or you have welcomed newly joined escorts, then that is the sort of news tat is beneficial to your clientele. If you don't tell them new escorts have joined, how are they going to find out? Do you expect them to trawl through your extensive gallery if you don;t have a section for new companions. Showcasing news shows that you are pro-active and always improving your service.
Why Displaying Agency News On Your Website Is Beneficial?
1) It shows the market and potential clients that you are an agency that always have new, exciting things on the horizon. If your website always looks the same or there is no new information, people quickly become bored.
2) It is a great way to showcase new escorts and the escorts themselves feel welcomed officially if you showcase the news.
3) You get to share information in an easier fashion. It is all about sharing information to your web visitors. They will love you for it.
4) You can boast about your achievements. If you have them, then tell the world about it.
5) You get to share your opinion. You will create a better rapport with people if you have an opinion. Share that via a news section on your site.
Our News:
We have a section dedicated to the latest happenings to do with the agency and sometimes the market. We update it daily and we also tweet about new articles when they are made. Feel free to read past months news: