Escorts Of The Future
2017 sees it as the year of technology. More and more escorts are turning to technology today. Many use Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Also ill robots replace people? Could escorts be replaced by robots? Could you swap any of the following escorts for a robot?
One interesting thinking point is what will the escort market be like in the future. So imagine 10 years from now what will escorts, agencies and directories be like. If you look at the online escort market and web technologies, there are so many design, functionality and usability areas that can be greatly improved upon. Will traditional picture based galleries be replaced by escort video profiles. Will directories be almost like a "Youtube" website, which is just a collection of videos. Will the market be more expansive or will the opposite happen. Will laws change and what will the demographic of escorts look like? There are so many questions and all that you an really project and base it upon is the recent changes. One thing is for certain, in recent months there has been an increase in escort agencies and independents showcasing their services online. As more and more people become and escort, will it get to a breaking point?
Will escort websites get for expansive and dynamic. The web technologies are there and the internet is a force that will only grow and grow in strength. What will the advertising laws be like. Will you ever get to a stage where escort adverts are shown on television? So many things may seem far fetched but how things have happened in the world over the past 40 years where people never ever believed they would occur. One thing for certain is the demand for escort services will all be there. Will the lesbian escort market grow? Over the last 10 years it has grown from being non existent to being an emerging market. As it become less and less of a taboo for women to book escort services, you can only see in increase in that respect.
What about gay escorts and agencies. Will there be more. As female based agencies heavily outweigh others, will there be a huge rise in gay escort agencies emerging online? The male escort market has always been at best almost non existent. With so many escort scams it has really stopped any emergence of viable male escort agencies. As women become more open to male escort services, will the demand force the emergence of this market?
Certainly what is being talked about on escort forums is the EU will bring about more freedom for travel across Europe. So the UK may see a huge rise escorts from European countries coming to find work. How that will effect the UK escort market is unknown. Will there be more agencies or will there be more independents. Who knows? However with the increase in the market thus far, a further increase could be detrimental to escorts, but excellent for the clientele.
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