Escorts Who Blog Their Experiences
Many escorts have embraced the internet in more ways then one. If they have an escort website then they can see the power of potential and to connect with a wider audience information about themselves and the services they provide. The internet is the richest forum of information where people like to share information and personal experiences. Blogging has become the most common place for people to do so. So over time escorts have become accustomed to the blogging trend and have started to share their experiences online, with their own personal blog. Some write a very detailed daily blog about what their day was like and experiences with clients. It has opened the eyes of people who were not familiar with the escort market to gain more information about it, from the detailed experiences that escorts write in their blog. It is all about sharing their story. It can be very therapeutic and also many escorts want others to understand important aspects of their work. It can help to break down taboos, inform people and also entertain. The most famous escort blog of all has to be Diary Of a London Call Girl. Written by Brooke Magnanti, it was an award winning piece of writing which has inspired others to share their story. It even inspired a television programme aired on ITV called Belle du Jour.
Many escorts who blog keep their identities a secret. So they will write under their 'escort name' or some over alias. If they talk about individual dates, then what is important, is they respect the confidentiality aspect and responsibility about their escort service. So they will not name clients or write information that means it is easily to identify a client. From experienced high class escorts, to university students who have just started escorting. Many are taking to the internet to share their experiences with others. Some do it because they really value the feedback and comments to their personal accounts of escorting. It is a great way to seek advice also from other escorts who read their blog.
Escort Blogging Tips
Herr are some tips if you are thinking of starting your own blog. Remember to have fun. You don;t have to be the world's best writer. What is important is you share the information and aspects of your work that you want to. There are many people who will be very interested in what you have to say. So do not be discouraged from sharing your opinion about escort related topics.
- Be Informative - Write quality e information about your experiences. The more detailed and expansive the better. One word entries are not going to make you have many followers. Be innovative and try to capture the most important issued affecting yourself as an escort, right now.
- Remember Discretion - When writing about specific client experiences, do your very best to uphold the privacy of the client and safeguard their identity.
- Pick Interesting Topics - Choose a really niche topic for your blog that has importance, but nobody else is blogging about. You can be the one to provide the real information about certain subjects that there is not that information about.
- Use Pictures - Try and introduce images onto your blog. People respond well to a mixture of text and imagery. So maybe pictures from your escort gallery if you have new ones recently done. Share them on a wider scale.
- Be Consistent - You are always going to be busy. However if you are really serious about this then, like other things you find the time for, you can always write in your blog. That way you will get loyal followers and your blog will create more and more hype.
Escort blogs are a great way to help put more information about the market and your service on a wider forum - the internet!Why not look at techniques of writing escort content. It will help with SEO, help you to understand on how best to write to captivate your readers etc