Ex Escort In Big Brother House - Escort News
Former escort Helen Wood is taking part in the latest series of Big Brother, which is aired on Channel 5. She gained media attention for her alleged encounter with Manchester United and England star - Wayne Rooney. Helen worked for a Manchester escort agency when she another escort are alleged to have met with Wayne Rooney. The news soon broke in the media after that, forcing Helen to give her account of events. Her time in the Big Brother house has been far from boring. Jenny Thompson is thought to be heading in the house as well. She was part of the escort duo involved in the Wayne Rooney scandal reported widely in the media. She did issue an apology to her part in the scandal. She has indicated that Helen wood is showing her true colours in the house. Hinting that her former friend was being a bit of a bully. Jenny Thompson is an ex escort herself. How do you think Helen is doing in the Big Brother house. She has already received a formal warning from Big Brother over her conduct in the house. She was deemed to have used threatening behavior towards a fellow 'housemate' called Matthew Davies. There where swear words that were used in several rants towards him and others. She did apologies for her behavior when the warning was issued.
Helen was involved in further controversy when there where over 100 complaints made for a remark she made Danielle McMahon. She told her to "stop s******* Jesus". Do you think that Helen is doing well on the show? Everybody will have their fans and critics, but the show always gets viewers. If Jenny Thompson does enter the house, do you think there will be trouble? Will it cause arguments between her and Helen? will the Wayne Rooney story become an issue? There are so many scenarios and things that could happen, if she entered the house. Footballers with escorts and scandals resulting from that has been in the media the past 5 years.
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