Female Escorts Starting Their Own Agencies
The majority of escorts in the UK are female. However when it comes to escort agency owners, there are just as any ~(if not more), men in that role. Actually in the latest study carried out by a website called 'importio' it was suggested that just over 40% of escorts were male. So why are more and mor female escorts deciding to start their own agencies. Primarily for many of these individuals the motivation is financial. As an independent escort the maximum they can earn depends solely on the number of bookings they have. An independent earns the total fee of the booking. An escort who works for an agency takes a percentage of the booking, while the remainder goes to the agency they work for. So it boils down to simple mathematics. Escorts will find it more lucrative to earn money on a percentage from every escort at there agency who has a booking. Thus they can potentially earn more than if thy where escorting as an independent or agency escort. However their reason to start their own agency isn't simply motivated by financial gain. Many who do decide to start one are experienced escorts themselves. They understand the dynamic of an escort / client relationship. They are at the forefront of providing escort services, so they have in-depth knowledge of escorting as a whole. Even with experienced agency escorts, they will have knowledge of how an agency works. Whilst working for one they some start to form ideas of how thy would run their own escort agency. Male escort agency owners feel thy better understand the dynamic of clients as they are mostly men and they can relate to that. However female escorts who start their own agency will have a better understanding of the dynamic of being an escort.
The appeal of female owned escort agencies is one that can work in the agency's favour. When it comes to recruitment, ladies will have a tendency to favour female run agencies. They have that instant relationship and can relate on the level of being a woman. Obviously there is the issue of safety and women feel more safe working for female run agencies. There is a higher level of professional respect as these escorts understand that the owners have vast experience in the escort market. A well known escort will get a lot of interest if she decided to run an agency. Especially if she was very successful being a top independent escort herself. New escort agencies understand this importance, so where new agencies struggle for recruitment; these ladies simply don't. The online escort market is very competitive an a new escort agency will find it hard to compete, let alone establish themselves. So in a way a female owned agency has that initial advantage to recruit the best escorts. There time as an escort will mean thy know the best adult glamour photographers and website designers. So to initially get their website up and running, they ay find it a smoother process. They would have networked and built many partnerships when they were an escort themselves, So they could pull in a few favours when it maybe comes to online advertising for their new agency.