Finding Out Your Girlfriend Is An Escort
For some men finding out their girlfriend is an escort can come as quite a shock. They may be completely taken a back. they may feel hurt, that trust has been broken or sometimes even humiliated. The first thought will turn to if their girlfriend has been romantically or intimately involved with their gentlemen clients. This breach of trust can be very hurtful and often on hearing the news many men just simply break up with their girlfriends. Many women become escorts because they have lost a job and need an income. Being an escort may give them back some self esteem and they may not be doing it to meet men but simply earn some money. They might have thought their boyfriend does not need to know as they are not romantically or intimately involved with the clients can that they might just freak out.
The betrayal of trust is probably the first emotion that guys feel. It is important that the escort understands that relationships are based on trust and being part of a relationship that is meaningful is sharing aspects of your life that directly impacts on your partner. If you find yourself in this position and want to sort things out in your relationship then seeing a professional relationship counsellor can help. An opportunity for you to voice how you feel in a safe and non-judgemental environment. Finding out your girlfriend is an escort can be quite a big shock, but is does not need to signal the end of the relationship.
The flip side is that many woman due to the recent recession in Britain have chosen to become an escort. There has been a surge of recruitment by agencies looking for new escorts to join their agency. In the news recently there was a case of a an advert by an agency called 'Horny Escorts', looking for new ladies to join then. This advert featured on a Government website. The advert was taken down a day later but you can see that there has been an increase in demand for such jobs. It is up for the escort themselves to be truthful with their partner or husband that they are in this line of work. Some opt to just keep their job a secret as they are unsure of the reaction they'll get. So there must be some level of discretion by the agency not to disclose this information. Maybe there is a huge scramble of women looking to remove their escort ads and pictures of websites, because a friend or family member has found out. For example there is a online discussion where a gentlemen found out his wife was an escort an was unsure what to do. The general public left messages of advice. Some were saying it is a betrayal of trust an even a valid reason to end the marriage. Some were supportive of the wife in question and say the husband should listen to her reasons. Click here to have a read of this online discussion.
Some women become escorts because they or their partner have come into financial difficulties. Maybe their partner has lost their job and so they become an escort to survive financially. There are a number of reasons why women choose escorting. They may feel that they have to do something to help the finances and this may seem to them as the most viable option at the time. There is another online discussion where a married woman is contemplating becoming an escort but is not sure. Click here to read the discussion in full. The interesting thing is some men welcomed the fact that their partner was doing escorting. It was said to spice up their marriage. Some even suggested that he actually went along on escort dates to see what happened.
If you do find yourself in this situation, then it is best to talk to a professional counsellor. you both may want to attend if agreed, if the impact has been stressful on your relationship. Relate is a recognised organization in the UK, which may be able to help you through any relationship difficulties.