Illegal Escort Agencies
Within any market and any walk of life you will find elements that operate in an illegal manner. For the escort market it is no different unfortunately and there are many about. The most common types of illegal escort agencies are money laundering fronts. They operate only for the purposes of hiding or transferring cash for illegal purposes. They often have an legitimate front as an escort agency and visually represent that on the web. They often spend lots of money on getting an escort agency website designed that looks very professional, unknowing to the web design company that the website will be used to harbour an illegal front.
Other illegal escort agencies provide services that are legitimate but fail to declare any of their earnings for tax purposes. As the payments are often cash, there is no money trace or paper trail. This agencies can often make millions of pounds that are not accounted for.
The most shocking type of illegal escort agency is the one that is involved in people and sex worker trafficking. They are run by ruthless career criminals and abuse the human rights of women through fear and intimidation. First Call Escorts are 100% against sex trafficking. We urge anybody who has any knowledge of such operations, to contact the police immediately.
First Call Escorts prides itself on providing a legal, professional escort service to gentlemen.