Indian Escort In Park Lane - Escort Experience
Being from a wealthy family gives you certain advantages in life. I had the best education, I went on expensive holidays and had all the material things my heart desired. One thing money could not buy me was confidence. I was bullied for some years and even though I was very rich, nobody respected me. Now at 42 I had my fair share of failed relationships. Women only wanted me for my money. They would ask me to buy them expensive clothes and gifts. When I had enough and stood my ground they would just start not speaking to me. I felt so low when they did that and basically let them walk all over me. I live in a very luxurious part of Central London. I have a luxury flat and it has a lovely view of the city. I joined the gym to help me get fit and meet new people. I also joined a couple of dating websites, but they were really disappointing. As soon as a lady knew I was rich they soon forget about me and focused on my money.
I even got the Tinder App but nobody chose me as a match. You would think at least one person would like me. That dented my confidence further and I came a bit of a recluse. I could go days without speaking to anyone. I would just comfort eat and play video games. So I did gain a lot of weight which I stupidly thought I would work off at the gym. Any event I was invited to, I just came up with an excuse of not to go. I was always saying I was too busy. Which worked against me as friends thought I didn't have time for them. So I ended up losing friends over time. I would go out and dine by myself. Yes I a that lonely guy you see sitting, eating by himself. I just did not care anymore; I was happy with the mundane. Then one day I woke up and just though that I had enough of being this boring. I went back to the gym and started jogging as a hobby. I was really getting fit and enjoying my new found energy. I bumped into a friend while out jogging and he was impressed how much weight I lost. We got talking and he invited me to a house warming party he was having.
I was determined to find a date for this upcoming party. I remember some years back my same friend had booked a date with an escort to go to his office party. So I searched the internet to find an escort date. I didn't know there were so many. Hundreds of agencies to choose from; it was very overwhelming. I then found a VIP agency who had the most beautiful women I had ever seen. One in particular caught my eye. She was a stunning, slim, mature Indian escort in Park Lane. She looked fabulous in all her pictures. Reading the information on her portfolio I saw we shared similar interests. I decided to book her classy company for the evening of the party. When the day arrived I was a nervous wreck. I was finally going to meet this very beautiful British Indian escort. I thought it would be best to meet up for a quiet drink before going to the party. Sat in the bar I got a phone call to say she was 1 minute away from the bar. I have to say I was so nervous that I spilled my glass of wine. Then she arrived; she looked so beautiful and elegant. I think my heart skipped a beat because she looked amazing. Conversation just flowed from the second we talked. It seemed like we talked for hours. Arriving about half an hour late to the party, everybody stopped to look at the beauty of my date. All the guys were so jealous of me. We had a great time at the party and for the first time in years I felt genuine happiness.
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