International Escorts
Many businessmen, especially high flying city professionals in London have to conduct business abroad. That could mean long lonely nights away from home and in between business meeting and deals it can get very lonely. So many opt to book companionship from special companions who can travel with them so they can have somebody to socialise with. International escorts are amongst the elite type of companions you can find in the escort market. They travel with gentlemen abroad and fit into their schedule. Many gentlemen rather than booking escort services overseas feel more comfortable with UK based lady travelling with them, especially if they are a regular client of theirs. You can enjoy the country you have travelled to and explore the wonderful new city that you are in. Whether you are in Paris, Barcelona, New York or even Sydney, you will always have the most beautiful thing from home - your international travel companion.
Featured International Escort Companions
Anita - From Portugal
Camilla - From Brazil
International escorts are frequents travellers to the following cities
- Paris
- Athens
- New York
- Barcelona
- Florence
- Madrid
- Milan
International Travel Companions
Many of the top escort agencies in London provide this service. It has to be professionally managed with care, with every detail planned and carried out to perfection. Firstly escorts need to be eligible to travel to international destinations freely. Dates and times confirmed for all flight travels. Normal practice is that the client pays for all flights, taxi's and covers all expenses for the escort. The flight ticket has to be given to the escort in good time. It is the responsibility of the agency to ensure the escort arrives at the airport in good enough time to meet the client, so they have enough time to check in. Confirmation of all hotel bookings and information about the hotel is essential. Also information on any planned excursions while abroad has to be given to the agency in adequate time before travel. This service enables the client to have the most beautiful holiday partner.
Only the top independents in the UK adopt this approach. They have a unique aspect about them, like they are a glamour model or porn star, as frankly they would be just like any other escort and nobody would be interested where they toured. That extra dynamic about them means they have a fan base outside escorting. From that fan base they have a reliable collection of clientele. It is a very competitive process for prospective clients to be the ones lucky enough to have confirmed bookings with them.
If you require a beautiful lady to accompany you abroad, feel to to enquire about this international service by contacting us.