Interviews With Escorts
Over the past 5 years the the profession of escorting has had more prominence in the media. From scandals involving famous people and escorts, to TV documentaries. One ITV show had a massive following called 'Diary Of A Call Girl'. That show however leaned towards women who went beyond companionship only dates. So more and more people were starting to get more insight into the life of escorts (not every escort, but some). So the subject became not so much trendy but intriguing for many people to talk about. The latest documentary that aired was called ' My Granny The Escort'. It focused on the very niche market for over 50 escorts. They interviewed an 84 year old woman called Shelia. She turned out to be in fact the grandmother on an X Factor contestant. So there was much controversy at the time when the story was broken in the newspapers. She also appeared on the ITV daytime programme 'This Morning' where again she gave an insightful interview into her life as an escort.
How Much Do People Learn From Interviews?
Well you are never going to get an interview that gives you a definitive life of an escort. People who become escorts come from all different backgrounds and circumstances. However interviews do give snapshots of many people that make up the diverse spectrum of the profession. You will either get the extreme of an escort who has had a terrible life or an escort who has had the most mazing time. Due to the market being so diverse and having various levels of professionalism you will find a wide range of life stories. TV interviews are much more rare than ones showcased in magazines. Many newspapers and magazines have interviewed escorts. These feature once a year or so. However many people who read all of them say that they are not really informative. The same issues are discussed, the same points of interest raised.
The latest interview of an escort in London by a magazine was published on the Cosmopolitan website. It featured a lady who worked as an escort before quitting to work for an escort directory. The lady interviewed is called Zoe. She comments on how she started escorting at the age of 23. She discusses her high points and low points. As well as the impact her job has had on relationships. Many people have issues when they find out that their girlfriend is an escort. Some guys can not handle such news and often react in an angry manner. In her situation one former boyfriend did react badly and threatened to expose her job to her family. Although the interview states her happy were supportive of her choice to be an escort.
Researchers & Documentaries
Over the next couple of years do not be surprised to see more and more stories about escorting. Many programme makers rely on researchers connecting with escorts in order to produce a documentary. They researchers may post in escort forums or message boards for escorts who are interested in having their story told. Discretion is a big part of the mart and also being an escort. so many do not agree when people sell their stories to the papers or give interviews. In many circumstances the vast majority like that element of discretion to be upheld. However some do want a voice to make issues have a wider coverage and reach. Issues like violence against escorts and stalkers do not get as much awareness as they should.