January - Slow Month For Escort Agencies - Escort News
January is the start of the new year. Many people have hopes and aspirations. Businesses are no different, however many different markets and sectors report that January is the slowest month of the year. Escort agencies are no exception to the rule. The month before is a time where people spend the most money, eat more and put more on credit. Escort services during December often encounter a surge in bookings. There are more celebrations and social occasions. People are in a more celebratory mood. However the New Years blues mean that many are watching what they spend. If they indulged in escort bookings, they cut back and in some cases don't book escort services for that month. They tend to focus on other areas to spend money. January is known as the diet month, as many people make New Years resolutions to lose weight. So businesses like gyms and weight loss groups have an actual surge in business.
From a work capacity it often makes people January to adapt back to things, after a bit of a rest. Some agencies find that many escorts are returning from holidays themselves. So they have a reduced capacity. Most people tend to reflect on their debt situation at the start of the year. many people put overspend in December. Come January they take a look at their financial affairs. They prioritize what is essential and booking escorts is not high up on their list. So many escort agencies tend to have a very slow period, but as they head into mid - late February, it picks up again in terms of bookings. They have to understand the demographic of their clientele. If their clientele are not millionaires, then they should expect a drop in bookings.
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