Nervous On An Escort Date
If you are a first time escort client then pretty much you could be nervous on an escort date. Just remember you have booked an escort service so you can enjoy the company of a beautiful escort. It does not have to be a harrowing ordeal where you get sweaty palms and can't string two words together when speaking to the escort. If you have booked a professional and experienced escort and they know it is your first booking, they will do everything to ensure that you can relax. Being nervous is good as it gets the adrenaline pumping. However you don't want to bottle it and at the last moment cancel because nerves got the better of you. You may be newly divorced and simply miss that female companionship. Your social life could have taken a hit and you are fed up of very bad online dating experiences. If you book a quality escort service, then your female companion is experienced and intelligent enough to ensure that you can simply relax and be yourself. The mistake some people make is that they start to drink for a bit of 'Dutch courage', before the date. One drink turns into many and before they know it, they are drunk. Refrain from excessive drinking before you meet an escort. If they see you as being drunk, then rest assured they will make their excuses and leave.
Firstly you want to make sure that you make the date on time. Rushing can make you nervous and flustered. You want to make sure you can relax with maybe a coffee or small glass of wine before the escort date. Make sure that you have at least one topic of conversation. It could be the weather. Whatever makes you talk and initiates a conversation can help calm the nerves and you will feel the better for it. Sucking on a mint or maybe 5 minutes of mediation before the date can help relax those nerves. It is good to know that our escorts in Clerkenwell get excellent feed back by first time clients who say that their wonderful personalities helped them get over their nerves, so they could have an amazing time. If you look good, then most certainly you will feel good. so make sure you dress to impress. A perfect chance and excuse to add to your wardrobe. Go an buy a new suit for the occasion. Make sure that you are cleanly shaven, smell nice and have fresh breath. Get the basics right and the rest shall follow. If you are attending an event where you know people (like a party or work function), you want to feel confident that discretion is upheld. So have a talk to you escort before the date. Make sure they understand that they have to be discreet. The last thing is you are worried that they may introduce themselves as you escort date to your boss, friend or family remember.
Here are some vital tips on various different dating scenarios:
Tips For Cinema Dating
- Make sure that you compromise on the movie that you are going to watch. You want to make sure that the movie has a bit of everything in it. Comedy, romance, even action maybe. Be the perfect gentlemen and make sure your escort wants for nothing. So that will be in way of drinks, snacks, popcorn or sweets. You can now reserve the best seats in cinemas. Make it the VIP experience for both of you. You can sit in the cheap seats any day of the week. However the day of your date is special; ensure it is kept that way. Maybe pay that bit extra and watch the movie in 3D. It will be a more exciting movie experience for both of you.
Planning a Dinner Date
- The key is to book your table, well in advance of booking your dinner date escort. It would be very embarrassing to do it the other way round and find that all the restaurants are fully booked. You will be embarrassed and your escort will be disappointed. Now all you have to do is just have a few conversation starters. What you don't want is an eerie silence from yourself. The best conversation starters are the simple things. "How was your day?" and "Was your journey here alright?" .... Your escort can then take the lead conversation wise. The ultimate conversation starter is to compliment your escort on how stunning they look. They will have gone to a great deal to ensure they are are the most elegant, sexy and best dressed women there. Remember, women always love compliments. You can't go wrong with a compliment or two!
Planning a VIP Date Experience
- Ensure you make it as lavish as you can. If you get a limo, get the biggest and the best. If dining out, go to the best restaurant. You have to set the bar at its highest. Being borderline lavish, is not in the true spirit of being VIP. The most obvious thing to remember is to make sure you have enough money for the evening. No good running up a massive bar or food bill and realizing that you have not got enough money to pay. Your escort will certainly not be doing the dishes and you will be left with egg on your face. Also you run the risk of being blacklisted of a client and won't be able to book with the agency in question again. If you are going on a luxury shopping day out, then make sure you know what kind of gifts your escort is into. There is nothing better than surprising them with their favourite perfume or splashing out on their favourite designer label. Make sure you have your attire ready. So if that suit needs to get to the dry cleaners; do not leave it to the last minute.
Planning A Sexy Supper Date
- Plan Your Meal - Do not think that you are some world class chef that can knock together some a la carte cuisine with a few ingredients you have in your fridge. Plan your meal, by knowing all the ingredients, cooking instructions, time etc. You have to be sure that you have enough to to cook, as the actual meal is the purpose for this whole thing. To make life easier you can hire gourmet chefs to come to your house and cook both you and your escort date a meal. Make sure before hand you if your escort has any food allergies. the last thing you want is to be rushing to A&E because they have had an allergic reaction to peanuts.
First escort date nerves are common. Don't let them get the better of you and spoilt what should be a magical experience.