New Blog Coming - Escort News
We will be proud to present in the very near future an exclusive blog. It is an extension to our escort news and will be more daily and insightful. We have our twitter service which is very generalist with small updates. The blog will act as a rich source of information for the types of information and news about our agency and escorts that changes on a daily basis. It will be in-depth, it will be entertaining, it will be fresh. We also want to include clientele and web users in this new feature. People will get a chance to post information about our agency, their experiences and important talking points about the market. Obviously we want to make it fun and unique so there will be articles on fashion and entertainment. It is a new way of learning about pour agency and a new way for us to learn more about you.
The launch dare will be some time in November. Rest assured that we will have one of the most unique and special escort blogs on the market. We want you to use it for its uniqueness. We don;t want you to abandon the agency website, however you will find the blog offers that bit more in-depth information that you might be seeking. From interviews, to client experiences, to the latest happenings in the market, to just general news that benefits all.
Together we will be the driving force for this new feature. There are many escort blogs, but we have looked into what people really want. This blog is not just for the means of the agency. We really want people to embrace it and get the most out of it. The reader is the main focus and we plan to have a lot of fun with it.
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