Over 50 Escorts
Mature escorts are usually classed as individuals who are 35 years and older. However, there is a wide range of mature escorts that are 50 years old plus. These older ladies are usually independent escorts who have been escorting for a number of years. Over the years here has been a big rise over the year with many ladies 50 plus becoming escorts. This has actually been featured in documentaries like for example 'My Granny The Escort'. One reason has been to the recession. With many women being made redundant due to cuts and businesses failing, it has hit them hard financially. With so many financial responsibilities and finding it hard to find employment - becoming an escort seems the only viable for them to make money. So there has been an influx of really mature escorts of this age. Many ladies are getting divorced around the aged of 50 and embrace a new life. When faced with the single life after many decades they have this new sense of freedom one which they may have repressed over the years.
To get started, in this world of technology and the internet older escorts find it easier. They usually get a basic website designed for them featuring a gallery for their pictures, a biography page, rates and contact information section. Some have their identities shown, but the majority hide their face by blurring it or the eyes region. There are also many escort directories that provide free and paid escort advertising.
Featured Mature Escort
Dani Aged 36 (Australian)
Dani is not over 50, she is 36 and has the figure of a lady in her mid-twenties. This fun loving Australian brunette is a real thrill seeker. She commands instant respect because she has such a powerfully beautiful presence and aura about her. She is an elegant and fashionable dresser who is accustomed to fine dining. She loves French cuisine and going to the theatre. Dani is also the perfect luxury shopping companion. She has gone of shopping trips to Milan and Paris. So if you are a wealthy gentleman who wants to luxurious company for a shopping trip, then Dani is the perfect VIP date. She provides the most adventurous companionship only role play escort services. As you can see from the above pictures she provides the ultimate companionship only Sexy Secretary outcall.
There mature escort market is quite big and diverse. It is not dominated by agencies, as their are only a handful that showcase mature ladies. The main bulk of the market are independents. They like to advertise on about nearly every free escort directory there is on the web. There are a few specialist directories. Ladies 50 years and older do have a big client base. Some older gentlemen prefer the company of a lady that age as they find they have more in common. They have similar life experiences and interests. So going out to the opera or theatre is a regular type of booking. A 55 year old gentlemen for example will feel more comfortable going out to a prestigious social event with a lady aged closely to him, rather than a 20 year old.
The big question is why are there very few agencies that cater for this age group of companion. With the independent market so strong for mature ladies, why does this not translate to a big number of agencies? Well simply, the answer is unknown. There should be more agencies showcasing older companions as there obviously is a market.