Time Wasting Escorts
A client who has booked an escort service wants to encounter an unforgettable experience. However on occasion they can encounter one that is really frustrating. The "Time Waster". If you spend time to read posts on escort forums, message boards and even some articles on directories you would have come across information and reviews about escorts who clients deem as time wasters. Obviously such a debatable topic like this has to be taken with a pinch of salt as what somebody may deem as time wasting, another could see it as part of the service. It is a combination of things which could lead to a client taking that stance. For example if a client has booked an escort for an hour and the escort arrives slightly late and is pre-occupied with sorting out her net booking or has to take a phone call, that could be deemed time eating into enjoying her company. Some escorts could simply be using tactics to make the time go quicker and the client can feel short changed. it is really down to the mentality of the escort - this determines the quality of service. If you encounter an escort who hates their profession and simply sees these as a quick money making scheme; then chances are they could be a time waster. They rush through the date, are generally unfriendly, non-talkative and can't wait to get out the door (if an outcall escort). If they are an incall escort, they can't wait to get you out the door.
It is not just the actual date but leading up to it. There are some really unprofessional escorts who don't know anything about punctuality. If you book through an agency then there may be policy that safeguards you for late arrivals. However if you book an independent it can become a bit tricky on the matter. You may have a dinner date or need to attend an important event. Getting there on time is crucial. however when you ring the escort, you may not get through. You persist, until you do get through to them on their mobile, to hear they are on their way. Then 30 minutes late they arrive. Then they get the magical phone call of an emergency and have to cut the date short. Having already paid them you may feel short-changed but you don't want to seem unfair if it looks like they have to rush off. Many escorts use this tactic. They may have gone out the night before, got drunk, overslept and forget they have a booking. So they come up with these time wasting tactics and the quick getaway 'there is an emergency" routine.
There has been some talk online about agencies some suspect of using this tactic of time wasting for all there escorts. It is a bit like a football manager giving tactics to their players saying ate as much time as possible to get a result. The result being in escort terms, payment for the companionship service. Escorts should deliver a professional and attentive service and ensure clients can enjoy every second of their time, opposed to be met with a lady looking at their watch every 10 seconds. The client wants to enjoy the company of the escort, not feel like they are a burden upon to them. From the bored looks, the sighs of boredom and 'frosty' welcome - many have to take to escort review websites to give a full account of their 'booking from hell'.
There are other bad services as well as fake / scam ones. Bait and switch is a term used when a client books an escort and the one that turns up isn't the one they booked. This obviously leaves the client very disappointed and wastes their time. While agencies who operate in this manner it is unfair to operate like this. They are basically time wasters and it does no good for their reputation. So before the date has even started the client's time is being wasted by in fact the agency. On the flip side looking at internet forums and discussion boards, the real problem with time wasting seems to be from the client side. There are forums dedicated to time wasting clients.
Our escorts in Bethnal Green are the complete opposite. They always get very good feedback for being very attentive and fun. They don't believe in time wasting. they want to provide a service that is attentive and pampering. For an exclusive outcall with them, feel free to contact the agency on 07775300878.