Too Busy For Escorts
With the ever changing economy many businessmen have opted to focus on the work aspect of their lives. Where in the past they used to embark on many discreet companionship dates; they have simply become too busy for escorts. This has had a knock on effect in the market as their are less and less bookings. There is more competition between agencies and there has been a huge influx of independents. With more and more men choosing to cut back on booking escorts, it has led to a decline in the bookings. They are also watching their wallets as times are becoming increasingly hard. So if they choose to book an escort, they will opt for the cheaper priced service. So many of the established escort agencies in London are finding new ones are cutting their rates and getting the clientele. However there is a small resurgence of gentlemen who have decided to incorporate that more social, fun aspect back into their lives. That means they are starting to go on exclusive dates with these female companions. A nic3e balance of work and fun, to ensure they don't burn out and can start to enjoy life once again.
London has some of the finest escorts and their is such a diversity. From petite, busty, tall, mature to different service categories including duo, PSE, GFE, porn star and fantasy - the choice is astounding. So rather than cut escorts out of their lives where they may have made two or three bookings a week, they have cut back to one. So after a long week at work, the weekend gives them the opportunity to relax away from work. So romantic dinner dates or simply going out to trendy bars with some stunning company seems the ideal reward to them. Some may find a day off work could mean a day of luxury shopping or going to a museum. They could enjoy those experiences alone, but with so many sophisticated London escorts available as companions - they have to acquire their company.
They all have their preferences to what is their ideal London escort. A stunning blonde escort is often the cream of the crop for many VIP gentlemen. Real "eye candy" to socialise with. If they didn't have the time in the past to meet them, they are sure making up for lost time now. A perfect excuse to get dressed up and go to their favourite restaurant. A night of fine dining, in a romantic setting with candlelight can be the boost they need to keep happy. By being to busy for these beauties, they often found they were losing out on a aspect of personal happiness that was very important to themselves.
Now they can enjoy going out to the most luxurious places in the company of real stunners. Their majestic personalities and charisma can brighten up any day. So many opt to have a meal in Baker Street and book the company of a local Central London escort. With champagne flowing and the flirtatious conversation in full flow, they pause for a moment. They look back to a time where they had discarded such a fun experience and think "why were they too busy for escorts"?.