Website Downtime - Escort News
What we would like to to say is a big apology for times when the website has gone down. This was down to technical issue out of our hands. Undoubtedly it causes mass inconvenience to you, to ourselves. It is not that look we want to portray and yes sometimes websites suffer technical difficulties. We have resolved those website errors and are happy to report that since the errors have been fixed there has been no website downtime. Procedures are in place and our main aim is to ensure the website is up and running for your benefit to view our escorts and book the services of escorts that you desire. We are now embracing tweeting, so we can give you updates to the status of our website on a daily basis from now. So if there are problems then we can tweet what it is and the time scale for resolution. If everything is OK, then the status will be all systems are working fine.
We would like to thank clientele and web users who have notified us about any problems we have encountered with the website. Your feedback has been of great use and with that we have made major improvements to the website. There will be no elongated downtime in future. Our aim is to ensure that we have a professional website that is available for you to visit 24/7y 365 days a year. On the odd occasion, there will be a few hours of maintenance twice a year, with any website system. We will do our best to ensure that you are given prior notice to all future system updates etc These are usually to do with the server to ensure the most up to date security measures are in place.
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